Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Unique Ways Pinterest is Helpful in Classroom

We have been studing the uses of Pinterest in the classroom and how helpful it can be. I think the main thing is that it gives us more ideas that we can share with our classes. We can have them do so many more activites. We can also share the activities we do with other

With a pin I was able to come up with an assignment for 6th grade Social Studies class. I am having my students to select 4 presidents and tell when they became president and how many years they served as president. Also I was able to have my class include four things about them. Three of the things was about them as presidents and one thing was about them personally.

I was able to go onto the internet and find all the information I needed for the assignment. It was not hard to do because all the information I ask for was included in one web-site. The web-site had a lot of information that my students could choose from. It was an interesting activity and I think my class would learn a lot of things about our presidents than they already new.

I will post the process I followed to find out all the information I found on the presidents.

I could not up load the imagies I had taken to show. I took them with my tablet camera and sent them to myself and saved them to my computer, but apparently something went wrong in the process of getting them to my computer. There was no image.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Learning about football

I have been attending a lot of football lately. I have three grandsons who have been playing. Two of my grandsons play for Arkadelphia and one plays for Gurdon. I am learning a lot about football. I like watching my grandsons. I was not able to watch my grandson Kyle who plays for 7th grade but figure I will next year when he plays for eighth grade.
I guess a lot of people know that when a player is injured that all the other football players go down to one knee until the injured player walks off the field. Everyone claps when the person is able to walk off the field. The first time this happened at a game I was surprised because of everyone clapping especially since it was a player from the other team. I thought that was wrong, what would the other team think? Did they think that we were clapping because one of their team was hurt? My daughter explained that no they did not think this. That they knew that we were happy that the player was okay. She said this is a football tradition.

As I said I am learning a lot. I know some things but there is so much more to know. My grandson that plays for the Arkadelphia Badgers is Cody Whittle. He is a sophomore. He is a starter and he is first string. I do know that means he is one of the first to play. He is acting as Center some also. His team has won all their games so far. They are playing Malvern this friday. I know that will be a tough game. I probably yell to loud when I am at a game. My husband use to get tickled at me because I would yell when we watch the Arkansas Razorbacks and Dallas Cowboys. He would tell me that they could not hear me, especially when I was telling them what to do.

My grandson that plays for Gurdon is Chris Howell. He is good too. I am proud of my grandsons. I would not have the nerve to play football. Watching someone coming at you full force would unnerve me. They however do what they are suppose to do. The Gurdon Go-Devils and Arkadelphia Badgers are both in the playoffs. I know that this is not just because my grandsons are on the teams, but I know that they had a hand in it. They are good team players. I am looking forward to several years of watching football. I think I am going to get me a book so I will know what the referee means when they start doing signs. Hey! I do know what they mean when they mean when we get a touchdown. I just do not know what some of the other sign mean. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I am doing a blog about 10 cool tools for teachers Web 2.0 which teachers can use in their class rooms to help with their lessons. I will also state how I can use them in my class room.

1. Research tool (FindHow). This tool shows you how to do things. This site gives you access to trusted, reliable How-To content on internet. I can use this tool in my Language Arts class to help my students learn to do different projects. They can learn how to cite sources from the internet for an essay. They can also learn how to write a research outline.

2. Image Tools (Flickr). This tool can be used to upload photos. It can also help you organize and share your photos. This will be good to use in my Social Studies class. My students will be able to create an interesting story about different animals. They will be able to download photos and arrange them so that the photos can tell a story. They will also be able to share them with other class rooms or friends on the internet.

3. QUIZ AND POLL TOOLS. (Hot Potatoes). This tool has 6 applications which enable you to create intractive multiple-choice questions for quizes. It also lets you for short-answers, jumbled-sentence, crossword matching and gap-filled excercises. This tool will we good for both Social Studies and Language Art classes. The students can use this tool to help them to get ready for a test. I can also use this tool to improve their vocabulary. This tool can also be good to help them to decide which application would be easiest to do to make better grades.

4. DRAWING TOOLS (Worlde). This tool generate "Word Clouds" from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more than once. I can have my students use this to help them with their spelling and remembering different countries. I can have them use this to learn what the states are and their capitols. It can also benefit them in producing something for Show and Tell by giving them words to use in a book report.

5. MAPPING TOOLS (Mapskip). This tool explores the world through shared stories. It also uses pictures for all the places in our lives. I can use this tool in my Language Arts and Social Studies classes. I can have my students tell of all the places they have lived. I can have them tell of the places they have taken vacations. They can also use this tool to map out the places they would like to visit or live when they become adults.

6.ORGANIZER TOOLS.(Education place. This tool downloads pdf graphic organizers and  is use to  structure writing projects. It helps problem solving, decision making, studying, planning research and brainstorming. I can use this tool to help my students to brainstorm projects involving events that are taking place in the world. I can have them use this tool also to help in problem solving a problem the class may be having. I can also use this to help them with their book reports and essays they have to write.

7. WIDGETS (Widgetbox). This tool helps you find thousands of wigets for your blog. It also helps you find widgets for your profile and webpage. I can use this in my class room to show my students what the weather will be by downloading the weather widget to my computer. I can use it also to help them put an widget so that they can locate different items we are researching. I can put a widget for "you tube" so that we can look at different videos that would be use for the class.

8.COLLABORATE TOOLS (INetwork). This tool can create any document using point-level formatting. This tool also indents, places margins, do back grounds and borders, gives you a choice of bullets, numbering, spellcheck, pictures and lets you share folders, documents, and pictures. I can use this tool to help my students when they are working on projects together. This will be a good tool for book reports, essays, and writing documents. This tool will also help with checking their spelling when they are writing.
9.PRESENTATION TOOLS (PreZentit). This tool create prensentations in a few clicks, whttp://prezentit.com/herever you are. This tool helps you work with your team on the same prensentation at the same time. It can be private or public and can be download and shown without being on internet. This is a tool that can be use by my students when they are working on a presentation to show before the class. They can work on it all at the same time. The presentations are webpages(HTML) so they could edit them manually. http://prezentit.com/

10. CREATIVITY (Whatzlearn)WZL. This is a tool that helps with interactive learning solution. It provides effective educational resouces. A great tool for students with learning difficulties and literacy difficulties. It is also a great resouce for students looking to work indepently to get ahead. I can use this to help my students who have problems  I can use this tool to help my students who have learning difficulties. I can also let them work independly with this too.  

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


My blog is about Social Networking. This is a blog we are doing for Mrs. Benton, our professor. This is an interesting topic. There are pros and cons concerning social networking. I have chose two topics which I think are interesting. One has to do with social networking in business and the other about social networking according to Pullorti.

McKinsey and Company at Mckinsey.com states "that in the last few shor years social technologies have given intractions the speed and scal of the internet." Whether we are discussing comsumer products, organizing polictal movements, or just sharing information we are using social networking daily. By tapping into these conversations, organizations can generate richer insights and create precisely targeted messages and offers.

While 72 percent of companies use social technology in some way, very few are anywher near to achieving the full potential benefits. Powerfull applications of social technologies int the global economy are largely untappped. Companies will continue developing ways to reach consumers through social technogoloies and gathering insight for product development, marketing, and customer services.

Mckinsey Gobal Institute (MSI) finds that twice as much potiential valve lies in using social tools to enhance communications, knowledge, sharing, and collaboration within and accross interprises.

Another view about social networking comes from Janson Pullorti, a 29 year old who is a tech executive who's almost always on line. He is co-founder of the web service votizen and he says "it is easy to get hooked o the flow of information." He feels that we are creating a lot of weak ties. He has a large network of acquantances. People connect through world social events. He can reach a lot of people but strong ties are few. I agree with his view about technology has made us a little lazier in keepin up and working on strong relationships. It is a little scary that we depend more on social networking to meet with people. It is more enjoyable to meet someone for lunch and have a good conversation about what is going on in your lives. However, on the other hand it is a good way for those who are unable to meet with their friends to keep in touch with family and friends.

I believe social technogoly is good for business because it gives them the chance to reach consumers from all over the world. But are we getting so use to it that we plan our lives around it. Social networking will help me in my classes as a teacher because my students will be able to view different cultures, classrooms, and how children are learning all over the world. Social networking will always have its pros and cons. It is up to us to be in control of it and it not being in control of us.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Social Networking

I have looked up two articles about networking and how it effects our lives. I have found some interesting articles. One concerns how we use social networking in the work place and the other one is how we use it in our personal life. 

Mckinsey and Company use social technolgy in thier business. This process has given them the edge they need to make more profits. The internet has given them the chance to discuss comsumer production, organzing polical momements, and find information. People around the world use social-media platforms to seek and share information. Companies use them to to reach consumers in new ways. By tapping into conversations oraniations can generate richer insights and create precisely targeted messsages and offers.

A large number of companies uses social technology in some way, however very few are anywhere near to achieving the full potential benefit. According to mckins

Monday, October 21, 2013

About Me

I was born in November 19, 1948 to Samuel Joseph Cooper and Dora Alice Karr (Cooper). My father was a farmer and a logger. We moved from Gurdon when I was around six years old. I have attended a total of seven schools. I was the eleventh of fourteen children. My twin Molly Cooper (Shaw) is the twelveth.  I had nine sisters and four brothers. At this time I have lost three sisters and three brothers. I lost my mother and father in 1980 (father) mother (1983). I have five sisters living and one brother. I have a lot of nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews and even some great-great neices and nephews. That is what happens when you come from a large family.

I have hoed cotton, picked and pulled it. Pulling cotton is when you pull the whole bulb that has the cotton in it. The hoeing is done in the spring, the picking in the late summer, and the pulling when the weather turns cool. Some of the schools I attended would let you out in the spring for the hoeing, and the late summer for picking. They would hold school during the winter and summer when there was not a lot of field work to be done.

My twin sister and I was the first to graduate in our family. We graduated from Hughes High School in Hughes, Arkansas. It is close to Forest City and not too far from West Memphis. After we graduated my twin and I came to Gurdon to stay with our older sister and her family. We worked as waitress. That was our first job. We moved out on our own in the latter part of 1967. My sister met a man and got married in 1968. I met and married his brother in 1970. We had a son in 1971 and another one in 1972. We had a daughter in 1980 and another son in 1988. We have seven grandsons and four granddaughers. I lost my husband last year to cancer. We were married for almost 42 years. I still miss him. My twin divorced her husband after 33 years of marriage. She remarried this year to a man who is really good to her and loves her very much.

I have worked at two sewing factories (Levis Strauss and Vasserette). I was supervisor of sanding at Value line. Value line was a factory that made furniture for motels and hotels. I worked there for almost 8 years. Then I got hired at Scroll Technologies in Febuary of 1993. I worked there until June of 2012. Danfoss a foreign company had bought out Scroll Technologies. They sent some of the jobs we were doing to India and China. I worked in the engineering lab putting bolted shells together for engineers to test. Some of these engineers were from India and China. They were a lot of nice people. I still call them friends and I believe they still think of me as a friend too. Some of them lost their jobs also. They are really smart and have found good jobs here in the United States. They helped me a lot when I was taking classes at Ouachita Technical College. I graduated from OTC with an Associate Degree in 2009. I am the only one of my sisters and brothers who has attended college.

I am now taking classes at Henderson University to become a teacher.  Some of the classes are hard for me, but I have classmates who help me sometimes when I need it. Sometimes I just need a word of encouragement and so do they. We are all learning new things and I like it. I like especially the technology courses. I have a fellow student named Beth Brazil that has shown me some things. I really appreciate the input from all my classmates. They make me feel like I can do this. I was afraid at first. I am a lot older than them, but they have been very helpful. I like learning and that is what I want to be able to share with the students I teach. I want them to know you are never get too old to learn something new. I understand how they feel, because these young people are learning new things just as I am learning new things. I know it does not matter whether you are old or young, when your brain is introduced to new things, it has to work hard to figure things out.   

I have told my friends about me doing a blog. I am going to give them my link so that they will be able to follow me. I also have let my family members know and they are going to follow me on blogging. I hope I can do all of these things right. If I have problems I know that Mrs. Benton will be there to help me out. She is really smart on this technology stuff. I am looking forward to learning a lot more. I know how to do power point (a little), do a prezi, do a website, and now a blog. Hey! your brain can expand and let you learn a lot.